Saturday, October 10, 2015

Cha Cha Cha Changes.....

Remember that old song?  David Bowie had it right didn't he?  We'll it has finally happened, we are officially parents of all adults.  The "baby" is off to college and I might add seems to be having a great time with no need to give us a phone call.

It's been about three weeks and I have wondered around the house, cleaned the carpets, straightened up her room and finally getting use to the quiet.  Hillary has moved home after her college years, working as an Mercy Corps Volunteer and a local nonprofit so we don't see much of her and are learning how to be parents to an 23 year old living in your home (it ain't easy!) Trying my darnedest to give her a wide berth.  I just ran across a phrase I try to keep in mind: Be the person you needed at 23.  Oh how I am trying.

The positive to all of this is we continue to have season tickets to the UW football games so many a Fall day are spent on I-5 heading north.  Once we arrive we usually get to see both girls, even if it is just for an hour or so.

I occupy my day with work and the yard and dreaming of a trip to Italy which I hope to make come true this next spring if all the stars align correctly.

This crazy life is always changing isn't it!  Right now I'm just holding on for the ride...

Friday, June 19, 2015

Where does the time go?

Well birthday season has come and gone - long, long time ago.  I have neglected this little hobby of a blog for nearly 9 months.  Lets just skip those 9 months and get to now.  Now means we are preparing for graduations - Hillary's is coming up quickly - second college graduation in the family and I could not be more proud of this girl for her dedication to studies, her work as a college athlete and her heart for doing what she feels is the right thing.  Looking forward to celebrating in that beautiful city by the bay.
Here is recent photo this beautiful girl (in the red skirt) celebrating her senior season as a USF track athlete.

And coming up next is this beautiful girls high school graduation - again red dress (I see a theme here)  This photo from her Senior Prom

And now I suppose we are empty nesters except we are not...Hillary is back home working at jobs that she is passionate about (OMSI) but not necessary a living wage and soon an Americore position.  Adult children living with parents is a learning curve - learning respect, boundaries, sharing and more to come.
Chloe is at that age where she thinks she is an adult so again...learning boundaries, sharing, respect, etc...

So here we are traveling down another new road in this crazy life, where will it take us?

Monday, August 4, 2014

Birthday Season

We are in the thick of it - the Harris Birthday Season.   It all starts in May with Rob's birthday which usually falls right on or very close to Memorial Day.  I think this may have been the day before his actual birthday but hey - close enough.  He spent it in Arkansas at Hillary's track meet and I understand they had a great breakfast together.

Next we have Emily - her birthday also falls very near a holiday - 4th of July. There is always lots of fun around celebrating this day.  Here she is this year opening gift this year ( beautiful girl don't you think?)

Exactly one month later we have Chloe's birthday.  Funny thing about these two - they have the same day of the month and time of day they were born.  Here is a snapshot of this beautiful birthday girl celebrating on the waterfront in downtown Portland.
Here you have it, three down and two to go so you know what that means - more to come!

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Let me just say my mind is exhausted.  I took a risk and signed up for a two day workshop on art journaling taught by a local artist.  I learned so many techniques that I overloaded the creativity center of my brain - if in fact it was still there.  The journal you see here is not the journal I made - this one is expertly created by my ever so talented instructor Valerie Sjodin.  Mine is still a work in progress and hopefully there will be a day I can show it to you.  Between the Golden paints (beautiful by the way), Gesso (didn't even know what that was until this weekend), acrylic mat medium (again a new product), brushes, sponges, stencils, pens, spray, and water I was overwhelmed with the potential.  I will definitely be continuing to practice these techniques.  While you are waiting to see mine why don't you check out Valerie's blog and then go get creative.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Lean In

Hillary - first trip to NCAA Western Regional Championship

Lean In!  It has so many meanings, most importantly that you deserve to be where you are, you are worthy of that spot you are at, you've earned that spot, you are talented and most of all you confident.  Sure that sounds easy, and for some folks it is easy.  For my family not so much.  I have been wondering why that is.  Was it something in our parenting? Is it an innate characteristic?  Is it because I'm still trying to believe that myself?  Whatever the answer is - and I'll probably never know - I have just one wish and that is to believe in yourself.  You are worthy, talented, beautiful, smart.  Oh my I could go on all day with adjectives.  Bottom line - you earned this so enjoy it!  
(well ok - that gal next to you might be a bit intimidating but I know you can chase her down)

Sunday, April 20, 2014


I always wanted a sister, more so now than in my younger years.  I think what great conversations we could have about our family, how much fun it would be to raise children together, someone who could listen, celebrate and stay up all night talking.

Then I had 3 girls!  How lucky are my 3 girls to have each other, grow old together and be best friends - well ok maybe that will come later!  And I have heard rumblings that they wonder what it would be like to have a brother - I've tried to tell them but....more later on that one.

Then I was looking through pictures and came across this one - and you know what?  I HAVE SISTERS!  These women and I have become so close that when we are together we can just be.  I have know them for most of my adult life - cough cough 30 years now. We all live in different places but will be there for each other at the drop of a hat if needed.  We have been through dating, marriages, babies, divorces, death of parents, moves, raising children, illnesses, not having children, careers, travels, etc....  We have committed to seeing each other 4 times a year for a "book club".  There is always a book mentioned but truth be told we just enjoy being together book or no book.

Lesson - thankfully sisters don't have to be related - how lucky I am!

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Looking around this weekend all I could see was growth.  Now I am talking primarily about the yard and the growth I was seeing most were in the form of weeds.  

As I continued working in the same spot I worked in when I was a toddler, growth took a whole new perspective. 

Looking around and my adult nephew who was a great help of strength while running the rototiller and racking the weeks - when did he grow up?

My baby who was driving off to take her ACT exam - is it possible she could be planning for college already?

My husband working hard at one of his prides - the swimming pool and getting it ready for summer fun ( I hope the grown children come home to enjoy this!) He insisted he has earned the privilege of supervisor now days.

Watching changes that new neighbors are making to their yards - yards that have remained unchanged for the past few decades.

My mom who has seems to be able to grow anything in her yard.

And oh how my dad would have enjoyed watching and directing us all during the day - instead of living in his assisted living home (I do believe we did everything just fine if he is reading this).

New new crop of berries and plants I put in today - which if truth be told feels more like a small pasture I planted rather than 5 berries and 3 evergreens! Looking forward to watching this new growth over the next few years.
And today I am feeling a little stiff, sore and realizing perhaps I am growing older!